Highlands Coast Half Sim Surround & off-sim Edge Environment

I've just added two new editions of the Highlands Coast landscape to my collection: a half sim surround edition and a sim edge edition.

You can also select palm trees by using the HUD

The half sim surround is 4 sims wide, and can be placed along one or several combined sims. With a few copies you can surround almost any combination of sims. The Edge environment is one sim wide, and therefore fits on smaller parcels.

The Highlands Coast Half sim surround with HUD. Animated waterfalls are an important feature

Both come in two designs and baked textures of four seasons (with normal maps, advanced lighting!), like most other version 6.0 landscapes.

The baked Autumn texture set

Winter is just a few clicks away


  1. I'm confused why you would call something a "half sim surround" when it's 4 sims wide!
    Which of your surrounds can be used on a single sim that is surrounded by other sims (not owned by me) on all 4 sides?
    Thanks :)

    1. A half sim surround is basically half of a full sim surround. Indeed it still is quite big, but it does only go along one side of your region. You cannot use any of my items at ground level if your region is completely surrounded by other regions. You can, however, use sky landscapes to build one or more additional levels in the sky.


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