
Showing posts from February, 2017

Highlands Coast Half Sim Surround & off-sim Edge Environment

I've just added two new editions of the Highlands Coast landscape to my collection: a half sim surround edition and a sim edge edition. You can also select palm trees by using the HUD The half sim surround is 4 sims wide, and can be placed along one or several combined sims. With a few copies you can surround almost any combination of sims. The Edge environment is one sim wide, and therefore fits on smaller parcels. The Highlands Coast Half sim surround with HUD. Animated waterfalls are an important feature Both come in two designs and baked textures of four seasons (with normal maps, advanced lighting!), like most other version 6.0 landscapes. The baked Autumn texture set Winter is just a few clicks away

Hebrides Half Sim Surround & off-sim Edge Environment

Up to now the only designs available of the version 6.0 landscapes were complete single-sim landscapes (meant for single island regions) and 1/4 region corner parcel landscapes. Now I have added a half sim surround edition and a sim edge environment edition of the Hebrides landscape to my store as well. The Hebrides Sim Edge Environment [6.0] with HUD The half sim surround edition can be used along one side of a single region or several combined regions. It has two landscape designs (small islands and bigger islands), and both designs come in baked texture sets of all four seasons. The half sim surround is about 1 km wide (close to a stretch of 4 sims). The Hebrides Half Sim Surround [6.0] with HUD. It's about 4 sims wide, and works perfect along a small continent The sim edge environment comes in the same designs and baked seasonal texture sets, but is significantly smaller: its width is only about 250 meters, close to the width of a single region. It can be use...

Sahara Desert Surround

Last December I've released a new sim surround: the Sahara Desert. It has normal maps (increased landscape detail when Advanced Lighting is enabled) and seven baked texture setups. The desert sands continue right up until the sim borders, but the sim itself is completely open, This makes it possible to merge your own sim terrain with the surround at the borders, and then create your own dunes or a lake or oasis on your sim by terraforming, without being obstructed by the surround. Sahara Desert surround with open center Sahara Desert surround with terraformed sim terrain with matching textures With your Sahara Desert surround you also get a texture pack with 36 terrain textures that you can use for texturing your sim terrain. It won't be too difficult to find texture combinations that work well with the surround. Matching terrain textures You can get the surround here . There is also a free demo available. A wintery "desert" scene. All baked te...