Third and last Rolling Hills release: half sim surround and sim edge environments

One week after releasing the sky environment version of the Rolling Hills I'm now releasing tthe last two versions: a 250 m wide sim edge environment and a 1,000 m wide half sim surround environment. Both can be used on island regions, on connected regions and on bigger continents with an open side to the ocean.

Default textures on Rolling Hills sim edge environment

They are copyable and can be changed by using the HUD (8 themes and a few hundred textures to choose from). Like the previous versions, these landscape items also make use of the new materials: higher morphological detail on the hills (yes, I am a geographer), and cut-off alpha textures to make sure the trees do not interfere with alpha textures on your land (to prevent "texture bleeding"). Make sure to use one of the latest Second Life viewers and enable the Advanced Ligtling Model.

Surfacing bedrock on this Half Sim Surround edition. The red rectangle depicts the border of the region

The half sim surround and the edge environment will be discounted by 50% until Tuesday April 1. As always, free demos are available on my island and on the marketplace.

Desert theme available also


  1. Hi, Can I use a half sim surround on a half homestead, have it surround my part of the sim without impacting on the half that isn't mine?

  2. Technically, the prims do go over the other half homestead as well. They will only have an impact when the sculpt textures are loading, immediately after arrival. The prims are excluded from the physics system, and therefore have no effect whatsoever afterwards.


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