
Showing posts from September, 2012

New store now open, Swiss Alps available

The new store, situated in the brand new medium-sized skybox version of the Swiss Alps, is now open. You will find a lot of new items there: several land level and sky editions of the Swiss Alps, land level and sky editions of Yosemite and several fat packs that make purchasing complete sets of items up to 40% cheaper: ideal for estate owners who want to offer a wide variety of environments to their renters. As an introductory offer, today, tomorrow and on Sunday all new items (including the Yosemite and Swiss Alps fat packs) will be discounted by 20%. You will recognize them by the red star attached to the boards. I have also changed the pricing of all 2011 landscape items. Some almost stayed the same, but others came down quite a bit: especially the items that have copy permissions are more attractively priced now. Folow this link to go to the new store.

New items available on September 14

In June I transformed my island Landscapes Unlimited on land level to the Virtual Swiss Alps. I announced that the surrounding off-sim environment would be available for purchase in September. I'm glad to be able to announce that on Friday September 14 it will finally be in my shop! In fact, this will not be the only item to become available then. Here's a list of all new landscape items: The full sim surround Swiss Alps (with both a high and low on-sim ground level); By popular request: a half sim surround edition of the Yosemite environment; A sim edge environment edition of the Yosemite environment (see picture); Small, Medium and Large skybox environments of both the Yosemite and the Swiss Alps environment; the Medium and Large will  have trees, and all will have animated rivers and waterfalls. The items will be available in Bronze (Winter and Summer textures), Silver and Gold editions.There will also be a Winter edition of the Bronze Yosemite surr...